Mixed emotions pursuit of happiness song
Mixed emotions pursuit of happiness song

mixed emotions pursuit of happiness song

I would like to be buried right away after I die because I don’t want my family and friends to see my dead body and to be scared. When I die, I would want my family members, friends, and other relatives to dress my body as it is usually done in my country, Ghana. Lay my dressed body in an open space in my house at the night prior to the funeral ceremony for my loved ones to walk around my body and mourn for me.

mixed emotions pursuit of happiness song

funeral expenses are extremely overpriced and out of hand. I want a very inexpensive funeral-the bare minimum, only one vase of flowers, no viewing of the remains and no long period of mourning from my remaining family. I would like there to be hymns sung by my family members, including my favorite one, “It is Well With my Soul”.At the end, I would like the message of salvation to be given to the attendees and an alter call for anyone who would like to give their life to Christ. I would like the service to be at a Baptist church, preferably my Uncle Ike’s small church. The service should be a celebration of life. List and describe the stages of grief based on various modelsīereavement refers to outward expressions of grief. Mourning and funeral rites are expressions of loss that reflect personal and cultural beliefs about the meaning of death and the afterlife. When asked what type of funeral they would like to have, students responded in a variety of ways each expressing both their personal beliefs and values and those of their culture.Explain common perceptions and attitudes toward death.

Mixed emotions pursuit of happiness song